Monday, October 24, 2005

Someone set up us the bomb

Now that you have enjoyed all your base are belong to us you might like this, Some one set up us the bomb. CLICK HERE


Jamie Zeiders said...

oh my freaking god!!!!!!!!!! That was probably the funniest thing I have ever seen in my life! Holy cow! That just made my day!

Anonymous said...

There are just no words........

Anonymous said...

Someone needs to tell Larry that he is using the word oscillating wrong. It doesn't even make sense!

The Dark Messiah said...

What can I say...nintendomation....sweet oldschool rock sum it up....sweet moses meat pie....

KrackerFaktory said...

I gonna am set up you the bomb

Anonymous said...

Sooooo. This song was stuck in my head at work...... What form of torture is this??